With a CR report, companies provide information about their sustainability performance and the impacts of their business activities on the environment, society, and economy. And the demands made by external stakeholders regarding sustainability reporting are continuously growing – at the national and international level, there are increasingly legal provisions, guidelines, and standards regarding transparent reporting. With nonfinancial reporting, capital market-oriented companies not only fulfill their statutory obligations, but also ensure transparency and credibility vis-à-vis their own stakeholders.  

EU legislation regarding nonfinancial reporting was transposed into German national law with the introduction of the CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR-RUG) in 2017. The focus here is primarily on the provision of information regarding environmental, social, and employee-related matters, upholding human rights, and combating corruption and bribery. 

Scholz & Friends Reputation will take you through the entire process of producing a CR or sustainability report, from the concept and data collection through to editing and the layout. Here, we follow international and national frameworks like the GRI Standards, the UN Global Compact, the TCFD, the SASB, and the German Sustainability Code, and observe the latest statutory obligations regarding nonfinancial reporting. Whether producing your first report or whether you have years of experience with sustainability reports, we will devise an approach and a report concept together with you which is tailored to your company’s and the relevant stakeholders’ specific requirements in terms of content, editing, layout, and realization format. 

+49 (0) 30 700 186 830

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    Scholz & Friends Reputation

    We have extensive experience of CSR and sustainability-related topics: sustainability strategy, materiality analysis, CR reports, sustainability communication, sustainability marketing, stakeholder management, social engagement, focal topics.

    Our management team

    Christiane Stöhr, Dr. Norbert Taubken

    Community member mark 2022

    Scholz & Friends Reputation is a member of the Global Reporting Initiative’s GRI Community.


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