The debate surrounding greater sustainability is constantly changing – once more of an individual lifestyle, environmental awareness is now becoming a social movement. Once a consumer trend for individual products, sustainability is now becoming an economic factor. Companies are subject to increasingly stringent regulatory requirements with regard to sustainability. Be it the European Commission’s Green Deal, the German federal government’s Climate Action Programme 2030, or the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights (NAP), understanding the political processes and trends at the national and European level is vital for companies these days.
In addition to statutory regulation, sustainable investment is becoming increasingly important. The requirements that investors make of companies are changing. ESG ratings, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) set the benchmarks here. The integration of nonfinancial risks goes far beyond mere climate reporting.
Scholz & Friends Reputation assists companies with maintaining an overview of the latest topics. Thanks to ongoing monitoring, we address emergent issues early on and develop approaches that enable our clients to adapt to new challenges in the area of sustainability.
+49 (0) 30 700 186 830
We have extensive experience of CSR and sustainability-related topics: sustainability strategy, materiality analysis, CR reports, sustainability communication, sustainability marketing, stakeholder management, social engagement, focal topics.

Our management team
Christiane Stöhr, Dr. Norbert Taubken

Scholz & Friends Reputation is a member of the Global Reporting Initiative’s GRI Community.

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Scholz & Friends Group is one of the leading creative agency groups in the German-speaking world and, as the “Orchestra of Ideas”, it unites all communication instruments under one roof. In addition to our German offices in Hamburg, Berlin and Düsseldorf, the network operates in other European markets as well.